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Alnos Arrival

Wrongly believing that his infant daughter Socorro has died, Raymond kills himself on Earth, only to be brought back to life on Alnos by the child’s mother, his Alnese lover Leila of Pallas. During his recovery, Raymond’s preternatural visions about Alnos’ frozen past bring him to the attention of the planet’s ruler, Lady Ciani, who asks him to become her "Chronicler" or personal historian. He is to bear witness to the sweeping changes Alnos is undergoing as it is coming out of a deep ice age.

Judged a perfect guide for the new human Chronicler is O’bonne visiting scholar Dragon Ashewe, who has lately been attached to a law enforcement unit headed by none other than Leila’s estranged Alnese husband Eden of Pallas. Raymond must learn to accept Leila’s surprising decision to reconcile with Eden by naming him the official father of their half-human daughter. Nine years before, Leila had fled to Earth after a bitter and violent break-up, taking their daughter Goal with her and placing Raymond into the parental role. Barely settling into the new apprenticeship, Raymond and Dragon are swept into their host planet’s escalating violence between Alnese and an invasion of inter-planetary immigrants drawn to Alnos’ growing riches.

fantasy science fantasy

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